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GD A8678 - Gasdivider

GD A8678 - Gasdivider
GD A8678 - Gasdivider, RGC 803 - Reference Gas Calibrator


Reference gas calibrator Gas divider GD A8677 with Massflow-Controller

High Accuracy

deviation less than 0.5% at measuring point 200 steps

Plug and Play

quick setup, simple operation compact device


calibrated according ISO 17025 / DAkkS

Flexible usage

mobile, manual or integrated usage standard interfaces: LAN (AK), CAN (dbc)

Features / description

  • Reference gas calibrator
  • gas divider with 3 Massflow-Controller: 1x zero gas (N2 or synthetic air), 2x span gas
  • type: A8677
  • integrated display for manual usage

Technical data

  • compact design
  • sample flow 0.5 .. 5 l/min
  • accuracy <0.5 % rel. deviation at measuring point
  • repeatability <0.35 % at measuring point
  • delution range 1% .. 100%
  • calibration ISO 17025 / DAkkS
  • interfaces LAN (AK) and CAN (dbc)
  • test gas and zero gas inlets with Quick Connect plugs, internal valve switching
  • outlet with Quick Connect plug
  • power supply 115 / 230 VAC, 50 / 60 Hz
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